Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Color Run

Image from

I just registered for my first 5k!  I've been wanting to take up running (well, jogging) for a long time, but nothing really lit a fire under my you-know-what and made me stick with it.  Then I ran across (pun intended) a post on the really fun blog The Color Issue about The Color Run.  I was pretty much sold just from the title, but then I checked it out, and the Color Run looks like so much fun!

Every kilometer has a different color, and as you run in that kilometer people spritz you with color powder, so by the end you look like a rainbow!  Or a Jackson Pollock painting.  It's supposed to be fun and laid-back--they don't record times, and the website says that you can do cartwheels the whole way if you want.

It seemed like very best 5k I could possibly do for my first.  So I asked some friends here in the Cities and six of us are now on a team together: Rainbow Chard and the Transplants.  Yes, that is our team name.

Now I just have to get in shape to run a 5k...  Expect some updates on my progress!


BethO said...

That sounds like a BLAST! I'm going to have to look that one up. Do you have a program you're following to train for the 5k?

Lina said...

I know there's one in DC! I'm doing the Couch to 5k. By which I mean I started it today. But I've had success with it in the past! Do you recommend something else?

BethO said...

That's the program I am used, and I loved it! And now I'm crazy and signing up for the Marine Corps Marathon. So be careful, it's addictive ;-)
Good luck!

Lina said...

Wow, good for you!