Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I just want to mean something to you

One of my favorite things about New York is that in the midst of this noisy, busy, overwhelming city, you can still find quiet, secluded spots.  But more on that in a minute....

Last weekend was fabulous.  After working nine days in a row, I went out Friday night to celebrate my birthday with friends.  We went to an amazing place in Brooklyn called Brooklyn Bowl.  It's a bowling alley-slash-concert venue, and it was great fun.  We saw April Smith and the Great Picture Show.  She's one of my favorite artists, and I highly suggest you check her out (I particularly like this song, this song, and this song).  Present were myself, my very good friend Becca, her friend Eric, my new roommate Dani, my old friend Scott (who surprised me!), his girlfriend Erin, and my boyfriend, Duke**.  We also ran into a girl named Emma, who I met in Minnesota in 2005 because she was my best friend from Grinnell's best friend in high school.  Yes, even in NYC the world is small!  Actually, I originally discovered April Smith on Emma's very cool music blog.  The show was amazing and we had a great time!

Click on photos to see them bigger.

The stage at Brooklyn Bowl

 The bar

Me in my birthday tiara with Eric, Scott, and Duke**

With Becca
One of the most exciting moments for me was after the show when my roommate, Dani, introduced herself (and me) to the drummer of the band.  Dani is a working musician and makes a point to network with other musicians.  She's also looking to put together a band (and has been audition people in our living room!).  So I got to be the awesome rocker girl's roommate and meet some cool people and feel very hip.  I love New York!

Saturday involved a lovely picnic with Duke**, who recently acquired a key to his building's roof.  Duke** made summer food to celebrate the gorgeous weather (too bad it's been cold and rainy since then).  We ate burgers, fries, and watermelon, and watched the sun set over the Hudson River (see photo at top of post).  What really struck me about being up on the roof was how quiet and still it was.  The building is only five stories high, but we couldn't hear the street at all and we didn't even see another person through a window.  It was amazing to feel so peaceful and secluded and still know we were in the middle of New York City.

Duke** cutting our watermelon.  Feels like summer!

**Official Boyfriend Introduction: His name is Duke.  Okay, it's not really Duke, but we thought it would be fun for him to have a blog pseudonym.  Many names were discussed, including Ty, Biff, Spud, Drake, and Jesus (pronounced like the guy in the Bible, not like the lovely Dominican guy who sells fruit outside my Washington Heights apartment building).  Eventually we settled on Duke (I picture an old man on a porch in flannel with a pipe), and he's thrilled.  He may change his name.

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